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NatVPS -Assigned Ports (IPv4)

IPv4 NAT IP Information 
You have been assigned a range of 20 ports along with your NAT IPv4 address.
The first 20 ports are based on the last octet of your IP, you can use these for anything you want, examples below: 

EXAMPLES: has the following port range forwarded: 301 - 320 has the following port range forwarded: 1301 - 1320 has the following port range forwarded: 3301 - 3320 has the following port range forwarded: 13301 - 13320 has the following port range forwarded: 701 - 720 has the following port range forwarded: 1701 - 1720 has the following port range forwarded: 22101 - 22120


IPv4 NAT SSH-Port Information

In addition to the 20 Ports that can be freely used, there is also an additional Port-Forward for SSH.
This is calculated by prepending the last octet of the private IP-Address to the ssh port.

EXAMPLES: has the following port forwarded to port 22: - 321 has the following port forwarded to port 22: - 13321

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